Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Providence Dental Care, Chantal Chamberlain - Hygienist

At Providence Dental Hygiene, we believe everyone has a right to choose accessible oral health care.
We are committed to bringing convenient, quality dental hygiene services to people from all walks of life. As a mobile clinic we bring the office to the patient, serving families and professionals with busy lifestyles in their homes or workplace, seniors in retirement living complexes, lodges or long term care facilities, and children in schools or daycares. 
Preventative health care is our priority and to this end we offer educational presentations to any interested groups such as prenatal, diabetic support, or parenting groups, schools and health care facilities.

All preventative and therapeutic hygiene services are available:

• Oral health assessments
• Oral cancer screenings
• X-rays and intraoral pictures
• Dental cleanings (scaling and root planning)
• Polishing
• Fluoride treatments
• Desensitization
• Pit and fissure sealants
• Teeth whitening
• Custom-made sports mouth guards
• Nutritional counselling
• Oral care instruction (individual and group)

    In addition to the mobile clinic, we are pleased to announce our new location at Forbes IDA Pharmacy Clinic, Suite 102, 5014 50 Ave., Cold Lake, AB. The reception team at the clinic are accepting appointments at (780) 594-1010. Providence Hygiene clinic hours here are from 9am–4pm, twice a week.     

Join the Providence Dental Hygiene Patient Loyalty Program!

Teeth WhiteningHow to Join the Program:

In order to take part in the Brighter Smiles For Life patient loyalty program you will need to consult with your dental hygienist to see if you are a teeth whitening candidate upon which you may purchase an in-office whitening procedure to be enrolled.

How the Program Works:

By consistently maintaining the hygiene appointments prescribed by your hygienist (3-12 months /year depending on client oral health needs) you will qualify to receive a free 10 minute touch up in office whitening with the Spa Dent light system at the time of your hygiene appointment. This treatment, while absolutely free, does require commitment on your part.

What Happens if I Skip a Routinely Scheduled Appointment/Recall?

As a whitening member, by missing your hygiene appointments you can be eliminated from the whitening program. While a brighter, whiter smile is a great benefit to whitening treatment, a comprehensive, preventive dental hygiene treatment plan is our main goal to helping you maintain optimal health. To this end, we work with our patients to meet their scheduling needs so that their recall appointments stay on track.
Should you be away from the practice for more than the recommended period, there may be a cost to re-enroll in the program.

Questions and Answers:

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is an oxidation process that breaks down organic, staining materials and lifts them from the enamel giving you a whiter, brighter smile. With the Spa Dent system the unique blue and red LED light activates the gel, providing powerful whitening with cellular stimulation. Hydroxyl radicals penetrate the tooth enamel to break down stains into progressively smaller particles. This process will penetrate but not harm or damage the tooth enamel, including caps, crowns and veneers. The effect whitens the whole "smile" area of a patient's teeth. (www.spa-dent.com)

What Causes Teeth to Discolor?

There are many possible causes of staining. Some of the more common reasons are the food and drinks we habitually consume (ie. Coffee, tea, red wine, berries) Smoking and chewing tobacco are also common culprits.
Antibiotics like tetracycline at a young age can also cause intrinsic staining of the teeth (from the inside/out) and may be unresponsive to typical in office treatments.
Aging and usual biting forces over time will increase dentin formation inside the tooth and make it appear more yellow with age. Trauma to a tooth can damage the pulp and nerve centre of the tooth. This can lead to root canals and the enamel of these teeth darken as the tooth is no longer fully vital.

How Long Will it Last?

Indefinitely. As a member of the Brighter Smiles for Life patient loyalty program your complimentary touch up treatments, combined with a total dental hygiene office and home care program, will keep your smile bright for life.

Is the Treatment Safe?

Yes. Studies have shown that teeth whitening, with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, under the supervision of a dental professional is safe for teeth and gums. As the strength of the gel we use in office is much stronger than what is available in stores or beauty spas, your dental hygienist is trained to isolate and protect your lips and gums from undue exposure to prevent affecting any surface other than tooth enamel. In addition, the Spa Dent system uses their proprietary brand of gel, Xyliprox, containing xylitol and desensitizing agents to further protect your teeth.

What if I have Existing Tooth-Colored Fillings?

While whitening can remove any existing stains which may have accumulated over time, it will not affect the original shade chosen by your dentist at the time the work was completed. If you know you have to replace older white fillings in the front and are contemplating teeth whitening, it is advisable to do so at least one month before your filling appointment.

How Long Does it Take?

Providence Dental Hygiene uses the Spa Dent whitening system (www.spa-dent.com) for up to a maximum of 4 rounds of 15-20 minute treatments in one sitting depending on your needs. We have found this technique brings patients maximum result with minimal to no sensitivity. In order to properly set up each round of treatment, set aside an hour and a half in your day for your whitening appointment.

For more information, visit Providence Dental Hygiene at Forbes IDA Pharmacy in Cold Lake: Suite 102, 5014 50 Ave. You can call (780) 594-1010, drop by their website or visit their Facebook page.

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